I haven't posted on here for almost a month, the new year has come and I just wanted to say a few words about 2 people that passed away last month. Dan O'Bannon and Chas Balun. A lot of people might not be too familiar with these 2 icons of horror, but O'Bannon was the co-writer of such classics as ALIEN, TOTAL RECALL, DEAD AND BURIED, and writer/director of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. Chas Balun was a writer/artist/gorehound who co-founded (with Swamp Thing artist Steve Bissette) the much missed Deep Red fanzine and was the author of several Gore Score books, a book about Lucio Fulci, a fiction novel called Ninth And Hell Street, and much sought after artist (he did the covers for razorbacks reissues of Impetigo's represses). He fuckin' knew horror, he was funny, intelligent, and always biting yet insightful on his reviews. the world of horror has lost 2 great voices and visionairies. they will be missed.